Patiëntenbeheer - Gestion des patients

This is a short introduction to the patient administration pages of On these webpages hospitals, schools and professionals can administer their patients, editors and administrators.


1. Log-in

Fill in your email-adress or username and password to enter the admin site. (Beware: the email address is case sensitive)

2. Create accounts for administrators and editors.

There are three possible levels Login:

  • Organization Admin, this the person who manages the license within the organization (you so ...) they use their email and password to log in.

  • Admins admins can be eg. trainers, teachers, nurses etc ... . They can manage Editors

  • Editors. Editors are the people who enter the patient data. I.e. they use the Foodplanner PRO (students, health professionals, dieticians, ...)

  • Patients, patients cannot login.

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If you are logged-in, add new editors and possibly admins. If you do not have different departments or classes you do not need to define admins.

For Each student / caregiver you have to make an editor.

  • If the organization is a school, students can only see their own patients (Important) There are licenses for up to 25, 50, 100 etc editors.

  • If you are a dietitian you can only create one editor (self)

  • If the Organization is a hospital you can create unlimited editors and editors can see and manage each patient.

(Add/edit Editors)

(add/edit Admins)

Then you are ready to login as an editor and to add patients via the "Add New" button.


3. Add Patients

To add a new patient, click on the "add new" link on the main screen. Complete the form and click on the "add new" button.


4. Edit Patients

To edit a patient click on the "modify" link after the patients ID.


5. start the foodplanner application

In the table of patients click NL or FR to start the diet planner in Dutch or French.



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